21 August 2008

AF career notes

Some notes regarding the AF vectoring process.

Developmental teams meet at random times at Randolph. They meet for different reasons (e.g. school, promotion, et cetera). And I don't think they make decisions. They merely give a recommended "vector" that real boards will use later.

For example, my IDE DT board is 4-8 August. But my promotion and school board (the people that make the decision) is 8-12 September. So the 4-8 August people are going to make a recommendation to the 8-12 September people.

Another personal example: When I was a 2 year captain a DT board met when I was nowhere near a promotion or school board. There they gave me a "vector." I assume they used that vector when my major's board met a year later. The vector used to be visible on the T-ODP. I can't find it on the ADP. Look at an old T-ODP or ask me and I'll bring in one of my old ones to show you.

Bottom line is that you need to make sure your ADP is correct. If you haven't updated your assignment preferences since the T-ODP became the ADP, I bet you they are jacked up (mine were...F-15E at Randolph?).

X's said something about him being a chaplain! And it takes awhile.
I updated my ADP last summer. I didn't get finalized with the wing cc's comments until January 08.

If the developmental team looks at your ADP and it says you're a chaplain who wants an F-15E at Randolph...your vector/recommendation might suffer.

The Vector can be found by going through the AF Portal under Top Viewed:
Career and selecting Assignment Management System (AMS). Once you open that link scroll over to the left where it says Personnel Information and select My Career Brief from the pop-up menu. Once you get into that, go to choose view and a menu appears with DT Vectors and Comments at the bottom. Now you're getting close! Choose that and click GO to see what your future holds. Mine is attached below for your viewing pleasure, not that I know what the hell it means.

Vector(s) Rec. Skill Pairing (If Appropriate) Rec. Specialized Studies (ACSC Only)

Air Staff
Chaplain - Wing

Development Team
***** 9/11/2007 12:00:00 AM *****
Notes: Wg Ch; assign at large base ( 8 or more Ch assign), Needs of the Air Force; Potential future senior leader

my intelink blog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to say you have some incorrect information.

DTs meet at least twice a year, and they give guidance (i.e. vectors) to the assignment teams--or in the case of school, to the Developmental Education Designation Board (see http://ask.afpc.randolph.af.mil/docs/dpa/developed/6025_2008DRAFTIDESDECONOPS.doc). In each case, the DT makes a recommendation based on the officer's record, timing, and applicable endorsements; they do not get involved in the nitty-gritty of matching the officer's desires to the needs of the AF.

The 2008 summer DTs and later the 08 DEDB will send members to school in AY 09/10 from year groups 96-98 (who met boards in 04-06 and have DOR 1 Mar 06 to present) (see http://ask.afpc.randolph.af.mil/docs/dpa/developed/6025_Eligibility.xls).

Your promotion board (Maj LAF (P0408C)) meets in Dec 08 (see http://ask.afpc.randolph.af.mil/main_content.asp?prods1=1&prods2=2&prods3=10&prods4=475&prods5=480). Assuming you are selected for promotion, you will first be considered for IDE in 2010 for AY11/12.

But yes, always keep your ADP up to date, because the assignment teams may use those for out-of-cycle or oddball jobs that still have to be filled.