04 September 2008

Office 2007

The AF recently switched over to Office 2007 at work...am I the only one totally dumbfounded by the new menus (or I guess they are called "Ribbons" now...)? Just when I had learned a bit about the things Office could do and how to do them, they go and change it...


Nibbles said...

Ribbons, eh? Its all about the MS circle button in the top left corner for me... but at least the AF gives you that huge discount on the software so you can have it at home to practice ;-)

Anne Wellington said...

Once you've mastered the big circle button... it's all uphill. (By which I mean things improve, not get harder.)

When I first started using 07, I was totally dumbfounded by the whole thing. But recently, I had to attempt to use 97-03 and I was all "what the fuck is this?" Useless. Once you get used to it, I think 07 is more intuitive.

Dave Witt said...

I had so many quick keyboard shortcuts memorized...