20 May 2009


For pity's sake. Seriously?

Congress denied the funding to close Gitmo.

Okay, I don't have much time for anything but sleep these days, so pardon the lack of finesse: the threat posed by those in Gitmo is now and always has been overstated. We are all surrounded, all the time, by much more dangerous criminals, safely contained in the same prisons we could put these guys in. Gitmo itself is a continuing blemish on our reputation as a just and democratic nation, and makes it harder to fight this war. It should be closed immediately.


Anne Wellington said...

I think people just get confused... when they think of "Gitmo detainees", what actually comes to mind is Tai Lung, from Kung Fu Panda. Totally easy mistake to make.

If, for some reason, you haven't seen Kung Fu Panda, this should clarify:

Seriously, watch it.

Nick Pederson said...

I am waiting anxiously for your post on the current affairs in Iran!

Dave Witt said...


The truth of the Tai Lung clip is that our attempts to deal with the threat have actually exaggerated it.


I'll get to it, but the short version is that it's awesome. Nothing reveals the illegitimacy of a government faster that the bold faced denial of something that is very clearly true.